#because being a ''good person'' just simply isn't how you play this game
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i think a really great aspect of oofuri is how much it gets mihashi's ass for being overly timid and dependent. it would be really easy to write off the way he and abe interact as being abe's fault because he is overbearing, and a lot of people do, but it has some really great moments of going "hey, you cannot hide behind abe or depend on him to make every decision. it's not good for you, or him, or the team."
#oofuri#yeah abe is a little overbearing but it is often because mihashi does not make decisions on his own so abe is just filling in the gaps#because he really and truly cannot make a good guess about what mihashi wants#because mihashi has never said anything about what he wants#but any time mihashi has ever voiced a complaint or suggestion abe takes it into account#he is not dismissive#he just doesn't think to ask because 1. mihashi has never given abe a straight answer to anything 2. abe is not very good at being social!!#autistic teen boy who needs things said simply to him paired up with autistic teen boy who thinks saying things simply will get him killed#abe should ask more but mihashi also needs to say more. abe can't read his mind and he shouldn't have to that's not how relationships work#i get a little irritated at the perception that abe is treating mihashi poorly#what is he meant to do when mihashi doesn't talk to him#i am thinking about the scene where tajima gets mad at mihashi#and tells him 'you can't play baseball with just abe'#because mihashi being incapable of speaking his mind and acting on his own isn't good for the team#and abe will pick up the slack but that isn't how things should be#i did not like the bijou game but i really liked it showcasing the strain it put on abe to make all of the calls#and there is a lot there to be said about how his willingness to do everything but actually pitch for mihashi#stems from how bad catching for haruna was for him#because he felt alone at the catcher's plate the same way mihashi did on the mound#and that. fucking scene of abe begging haruna to pitch. augh. he'll do the rest please just pitch#abe can do everything else as long as mihashi stays on the mound#obsessed with mihashi and abe mutually being so worried that the other person will not be there
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aftg au where neil/nathaniel died in baltimore and andrew knows he's dead, he didnt stop fighting until he had autopsy reports and a closed casket in front of him. andrew knows he died that night but a week later, a week spent rotting and shoving everyone away, he sees neil. blue eyes clear as water, his hair still glows in the sun, when andrew reaches out he knows none of this is real. neil josten is dead, matt has an empty dorm and someone is already adding nathaniel wesninski to a true crime podcast. he knows none of this is real but it's easier to accept a hallucination than it is to accept that he failed, that another person has been snatched away from him. so andrew goes to practice and sometimes he misses balls because neil is on the court aiming left but aaron shot right. he goes to edens and can feel neil's weight behind him as he carries the drink tray back to their table. he watches nicky play games on the xbox and he hears all of neil's commentary. when he's alone, he talks to neil. andrew had always been great at being silent but never with neil. and he knows none of this is real but it's easier to confide in neil now that he's so intimately familiar with his absence. they trade truths and secrets and neil tells him about oklahoma and andrew knows they never talked about oklahoma and he's just remembering a conversation he heard on disney channel when he was eleven. he lights two cigarettes and sees neil smoke it but doesn't dwell on how quickly the flame dies out. he only mentions it once, to bee. when he says "i keep seeing neil" and bee says she understands, people leave traces of themselves all around us, he never brings it up again. it's not like she's wrong on that front either. neil's locker still has an unwashed jersey inside, the phone charger he never used is still shoved somewhere underneath the passenger seat of the maserati, all the clothes andrew bought him are still in a drawer. matt doesn't spend a lot of time in his room anymore. when andrew says "i hate you" and he truly means it, neil says "i know" and his cheeks dimple. andrew knows this isn't normal, nothing about this is okay, his mental stability is a far cry from being good but he thinks maybe having neil beside him, haunting him like this, is better than a reality where andrew is alone. so they follow each other around like ducklings and wymack looks at him like he's a ticking time bomb because in no world does neil josten die and andrew simply moves on. andrew's nightmares have shifted from being seven and begging to watching neil fight for life on a grimy basement floor but it's okay because when he wakes up he gets to hold neils hand and it's a little cold but the divots between his knuckles feel the same as before so he can blame it on the weather. andrew watches neil's banner go up next to seth's on the court and andrew almost wants to laugh because seth is dead but neil is right here, neil is talking about being court, but no that's not right either. neil is dead, andrew knows this. but then how could neil be dead when he's still buying andrew ice cream and pushing all his buttons? they sit a little too close to the edge of the roof nowadays and neil tells him that they could fall but they might not die because it's only four stories so really it's no guarantee. neil tells andrew he has to be careful because what about aaron, what about kevin, his deals and his promises. he keeps his promises, it's what he's good at. he's pretty sure kevin knows something is wrong but is trying to pretend like it's not. they're the same in that regard, really. andrew knows neil is dead, abby's files label him as deceased, but he thinks he likes being haunted. if it means neil is still there, still planning a future and running his mouth, andrew thinks he could convince himself baltimore never happened. maybe neil was never something tangible to begin with.
#sleep deprived and sad does this make any sense at all#idk i kind of am really into the idea of andrew slowly losing his grasp on reality in the aftermath#i actually have a lot of thoughts about this#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#andreil#andrew minyard#neil josten
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Nekoma falling head over heels for their manager? Yes.
It was just a coincidence that you were transferring to a different school in the Tokyo area. It was just a coincidence that you happened to like volleyball. It was just a coincidence that the school in question was Nekoma, which was closest to your guardian's work.
What wasn't a coincidence however, was getting kicked off the girl's volleyball team for retaliating against some girls who were picking on you for coming into the school year late.
So now your only way to really do anything volleyball related was to do it outside of school or become a manager for the other team.
Nekoma hasn't had a manager in who knows how long so of course they jump at the chance when you are somehow brought along as one of Kuroo's many friends.
He was able to convince you with the allure of skipping class for games as well as more help with homework and who would pass up good grades and the chance to play volleyball? Not you.
Kuroo has always had an eye for you, believe it or not. He is a logical person, even underneath all that mischief and wild flair. He had a way with words and an even better way with figuring people out. So it's no wonder he would attempt to talk to the new person who suddenly appeared at Nekoma one day. Even less surprising was him falling face first when talking to you.
All you did was help him when his school supplies got trashed from a particular nasty fall he took early in your time at Nekoma, and that was it for him. He was stuck to you like a parasite despite the different classes and year. He was hooked.
He was a logical person until he wasn't. Such as when Kenma oversleeps on purpose to avoid playing games, or when Yaku gets on his nerves for the nth time that day. He was logical with certain people, and perhaps a bit of a menace with others. He isn't really sure where you fit in his us vs them mentality and he isn't sure if he wants to find out. Not when you glance at him while walking through the hallway that sends a chill up his spine, or when your arms or legs brush together when you are studying together that has him shoving his head into his pillows at night, or even that one time when you had shoved him and you into a locker that was much too small for both of you so you could avoid the girls on the volleyball team. Yeah. Perhaps it's better if he doesn't figure you out just yet.
And it wasn't long till he began bringing up the idea of manager, even more so since you got kicked off the girl's volleyball team.
So now you are being introduced to the team as Kuroo practically vibrates with joy because his favorite people are coming together for something he loves.
And it's not long till Yamamoto tries to approach you. Despite his rather intimidating demeanor, he is a sweetheart and a bunch of nerves at heart. He could only keep his eyes off the ground when talking to you once and so you simply gave him the space he needed. He was obviously overwhelmed and somehow, this was all he needed to have confirmation with himself that he liked you.
Just like the Humpty Dumpty duo at Karasuno, he can be a bit overbearing at times. You can't seem to exactly shake him off even when he is practically dying on the floor.
You need to refill the water bottles? He can help if you let him! You need to help plan the team schedule? He has the entire night! You need to pick up some groceries? He's already got it!
You know who is just like Yamamoto but x10? Lev. He is such a sweetheart but goodness gracious sometimes he needs to take a step back otherwise he will take all your personal space.
He first approached you about a week after you joining the team and it was because he almost fell onto you while trying to get his water bottle. He had apologized, of course, but not without taking note of how nice it felt to hug you.
Lev, as you learn later, has always been the affectionate sort and it grew from his older sister, Alisa, who would constantly dote on him. You met her much later during nationals, which you had attempted Lev to try and set her up with you but it resulted in absolutely dreaded failure because Lev immediately passed out upon the request and Kuroo, upon hearing said request, attempted to take Alisa's place.
Lev, as he later learns, is that he developed much more than a stupid puppy crush. He isn't sure exactly when it started. Maybe when he first met you and how he almost crushed you under himself, or maybe a bit later on when you two accidentally got locked inside the gym because you were practicing late together, so you two talked until dawn. It could've even been the instance when you taught him how to do a floater serve and he clearly remembers how your hands held his and your body up against his back as you focused on the ball instead of his red face.
It was from then on you didn't escape practice without Lev trying to glomp you at least once, and you aren't entirely sure if you hate it or not.
Someone who does hate it would be Yaku, who can't seem to stop yelling at Lev each time he goes rushing to you for help with his spikes and receives.
The first time Yaku interacted with you was a little after Lev did, with Yaku scolding the boy for trying to "run you over" (you could probably tackle and eat Lev alive if you really wanted to but you didn't mention it).
Yaku has told you that you are too soft on the boy and he needs more discipline if he wants to be good, but you honestly don't have the heart to be as mean to him as you would be with actual teammates.
Yaku, quite frankly, finds it infuriating how soft you are with Lev, and the team in general, but he won't say anything about it if it means that he gets to call you in the middle of the night after a particularly rough practice to hangout. If it means he gets to see you look at him with such a soft smile on your face that he seldom sees during school, he is more than willing to let it slide.
And if you two accidentally get trapped in the storage room one day, it isn't exactly his fault if you two decide to use each other as warmth until they unlock the door. His face was red anyway, he's sure that you won't think twice about it.
Fukunaga on the other hand, is someone who probably over thinks every single little thing you do in relation to him.
It was around the time you met Inouka that you met him. You were helping Inouka with rounding up the stray balls when you had responded to one of Inouka's questions about your volleyball skills with a joke (as you often do because why go into detail about how often you had beef with your own teammates?!). It was then that Fukunaga had fired a quip back and turned the question once more onto you had you two finally learned of each other's existence.
Perhaps it's why you two are so aware of every little thing either of you say.
You said hi to him, does that mean anything? Oh you helped him with his serves, that must mean something right?
However, just because he is prone to overthinking (just as you are with him) doesn't mean it's his whole character. More often than not he is trying to come up with jokes for you and is probably the one you talk with the most if Kuroo wouldn't constantly stalk (he doesn't actually and he swears by this but Yaku and Kenma find it funny as it is something to hold over his head) you.
It's odd to say the least. He is usually the most detached of all the people in Nekoma's team and yet despite this, you find yourself absorbed in conversation after conversation with him. It was a matter of time till he started looking for you in every single room, unconsciously or not.
Liking someone is a foreign concept, especially in the way Fukunaga sees you and so you can't blame him when his jokes slowly turn to pick up lines every so often or he replies to your quips with compliments to throw you off. It's not like you can blame him either when he decides to try and plan your conversations ahead of time so he can catch you at every single front. Perhaps even get you flustered in the same way you do to him he so often finds.
Someone who doesn't show his emotions, however, is Kenma, who you've never really gotten a good read on.
He was perhaps one of the last ones that you had truly met before things kicked off with the team.
You'll admit, the way you met him wasn't the best. It was after practice and it was particularly stormy that night. You had an umbrella but a certain somebody didn't.
Kuroo, bless his heart, had left earlier before the storm came full blast to get something back home, and so Kenma was planning to walk through the rain until you offered him your umbrella.
You had more than once ran through the rain because of practice running late and so you thought nothing of it, but instead of him going with it, he simply took it and glued next to your side until you got home yourself.
It was an awkward walk as you stood shoulder to shoulder, and even more awkward when you got home as he bid you goodnight like some boyfriend and walked home; umbrella still in hand.
It was a Friday and so you did not see him or your umbrella until Monday, and so when he gave it back during class it was quite the sight. Yet, he did not seem fazed from all the stares and whispers. Not a bit.
You don't think you'll ever be able to read his expressions.
Him on the other hand, finds you quite the enigma. You were known as some wild dog since you had attacked three of the members on the volleyball team at Nekoma your very first day, and yet had acted so kindly, if not reserved, as a manager.
Even more so when he saw the way some other members looked or spoke of you.
He caught on quickly with the other's feelings for you, and he wasn't sure you'd ever come to realize, but that's okay. It's perfectly fine if it means he can take you to the rooftop to hangout without any pressure of another. The moment he perhaps truly fell head over heels, however, was during their summer camp that Karasuno was invited to. You had met Shoyo and hit it off, and he, somehow, was able to convince you to teach him how to serve. Something perhaps all of Karasuno + Kenma knew how bad Shoyo was at it.
It was then he fell, he thinks. To see someone so straight laced and aggressive during school hours willingly help someone with a smile on their face? Yeah. He fell hard.
And he struggles to show this to you and not others, especially considering how Kuroo has attached himself at your hip and Lev at your arm. Especially considering how Yaku always tries to find time to hang out with you and Fukunaga talks to you all the time. It infuriates him to no end but yet you still have patience for him even after all that socializing. You still have time to watch as he beats a level you were stuck on. You still have time to get him that game he has been looking at and for once, he doesn't mind the company.
He really doesn't mind, even if the side effect comes with wanting to kiss you breathless and have you look at him the way he looks at you.
#nekoma#nekoma x reader#nekoma team#kenma#kenma kozume#kenma x reader#kuroo#kuroo tetsuro#kuroo tetsuro x reader#lev#lev haiba#lev haiba x reader#yaku#yaku morisuke#yaku morisuke x reader#yamamoto taketora#yamamoto#yamamoto taketora x reader#fukunaga#fukunaga shohei#fukunaga shohei x reader#i need more of these guys pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
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I've been a pretty harsh critic of Dr. Friedman and Polygon's general Critical Role coverage in the past, and while I think her latest article for them critiquing Campaign 3 is a fairly good one, it does in many ways cast an even harsher light on her kid-gloves handling of D20 and WBN. However, I want to talk about these two excerpts, because I think she hits on something I've increasingly noticed in Actual Play:
"This is where Critical Role’s strength — that Exandria often feels like a real, complex world — collided with the needs of a D&D campaign (a clear adversary, clear plans of action, forward momentum)."
"But the confused way D&D handles religion and divinity — polytheism as imagined by midwestern American Protestants — turned the question of how to handle this particular cosmic horror into a glue trap, paralyzing the players for dozens of hours of circular existential debates. Gods once mechanized (or digestible) become just another power bloc, and for players used to a system where in the end you are “basically gods,” the line gets blurrier still. And as D&D’s messy cosmology added friction to much of the campaign, D&D’s mechanics also don’t have the necessary friction for the interpersonal beats that make Critical Role compelling."
I agree with both these statements, as someone who, to be clear, enjoys D&D 5e. D&D supports a range of narratives, but all are ultimately a story of gaining power and fighting off or through a series of adversaries; if your characters are not doing that, it raises the question of why you picked a system that gives you few other options. (This is also, I should note, an increasingly loud question when it comes to Worlds Beyond Number; I fell behind for personal reasons after the Coven arc, but Brennan's initial statements about D&D as scaffolding were perhaps too true; almost every interesting mechanic, in a game with minimal combat that has thus far felt primarily focused on how the three protagonists have fundamentally different adversaries, has been homebrewed, to the point where the cosmology and baggage of D&D has felt like a liability rather than an asset).
D&D also has, in part due to such programs as D20, developed a reputation for being world-agnostic, and that ultimately isn't true. D&D does struggle to make the lines between "real divinity", an archfey or similarly powerful entity, and a L20 character feel sharply defined on a mechanical level; once you give a god a stat block, it can be killed (and on a metanarrative level, revealing the gods' statblocks in Downfall serves to make them both immense, yet also more fragile. The hit points are many, but still finite.) There are a number of questions most D&D worlds simply fail to address - and to be clear, this is not a flaw provided you have buy in. A level 2 warlock in D&D is, in most societies, an one-person lethal force unless the entire town swarms them at once, knowing that many of them will lose their lives in the effort; a level 2 warlock PC, however, is almost never, in-world, treated this way, and indeed is framed as an underdog in a harsh world despite usually having the ability to destroy the entire tavern.
D&D has also developed a (not undeserved) reputation as being The Dominant TTRPG put out by a massive corporation, and has developed a (not deserved) reputation as being itself uniquely problematic as a power fantasy, particularly by people who conveniently forget where Pathfinder came from. I've previously covered that, for all people demand non-D&D actual play, the viewership drops precipitously whenever a big AP show that made its name with D&D dares to branch out, and, related to that, I've seen an uptick in people who are excited for D&D to subvert itself. They wanted Campaign 3 to subvert these norms of divinity and heroic fantasy, cheered for it...and ultimately it was unable to do so. I don't think it's accurate to say that D&D's lack of interpersonal mechanics was the problem here, given that Campaigns 1 and 2 (and again, D20) have no such issue; but rather that since D&D's lack of interpersonal/RP mechanics require more effort from the players to initiate, the debates on the nature of divinity in a world and system that could not sustain them sapped any energy for the late-night watch conversations D&D can support when you're not fighting against it.
I think one of the many lessons we can learn from Critical Role Campaign 3 is that if you go up against D&D with an attempt to destroy it from within, your story will instead find itself conforming to the shape of its container, often to its detriment.
#i will say it is a little funny that in the end fans of Bells Hells end up arguing that the master's tools can't dismantle#the master's house. and that this is good and ok bc it would be so mean to dismantle the master's house and look at how GOOD BH are#and that on a TTRPG system level they - and frankly d20 fans too - expect the master's tools to dismantle the master's house#ie if d20 is a masterwork of anticapitalism and d&d a symbol of capitalism gone wild...well#cr tag#on actual play#i really should do a deep dive and collect all my AP posts and put them on like. a website.#anyway
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reminder extremely tough and maybe a little harsh.
a lot of folks gotta work themselves to death just to have a halfway comfortable life, some don't even have the basics. many will have to do crazy stuff for money and others dream of giving their loved ones a good life but can't. some will only be able to see luxurious lifestyles on phone screens or in other people's TikTok accounts. and others don't even have the money to pay for internet to see that.
lots of people will spend years hating themselves, hating their appearance, personality, social life, social status, skills, everything about themselves. many live with insecurities, feeling like a supporting character in their own story, some have things that bother them but it's "impossible" to change them so they'll just have to live with it. others spend a fortune on surgeries or treatments to change something about themselves, and many die because of it.
many people will have to live trying to recover from traumas and bad things that hit them, without knowing how to simply erase them from their lives, and unfortunately, some prefer to end their own lives so they don't have to live with those burdens.
many people will have to face horrible diseases, some they simply can't get rid of and others that are incurable. suffering, waiting for a miracle to free them from this torture.
some folks may never achieve their personal goals and dreams, out of fear, lack of opportunity, lack of means, or because they think it's impossible for them. so consequently they will have to surrender to a mediocre life that they hate.
many people will have to spend years in shitty relationships without knowing how to get out, others will see the love of their life being happy with someone else, others will think that love only serves to deeply hurt them, and others will accept horrible things from their partners because they think they don't deserve anything better.
a lot of folks unfortunately live out there lonely, without love, without a good social circle, without friends, with an abusive family, with people who don't want the best for them, with people who only hurt them and make them think that's what they deserve.
you might think I'm a jerk for talking about such harsh examples and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone, but damn..
all these examples I mentioned are really sad and they leave us with a heavy heart thinking that a lot of people go through this. I think everyone deserves a dignified and happy life, you deserve a dignified and happy life. you don't deserve to be like those people in the examples I mentioned, and you're not. because you have a key in your hands. it's like life is a damn game and you have all the hacks and cheats to simply WIN and do whatever you want, while other people don't even dream of that or are too skeptical to try.
but you know what's funniest about this? it's that this shit ain't just any game, it's your life. it's literally your damn life and you're there playing with the law? saying "oh I can't" "oh persisting is too hard" "I think I'll never have my desires".
girl, I'll kill you if you keep thinking like that.
there are folks who just don't take the loa seriously, and that's why they never fulfill their desires!!!!!!!!!!!! and they won't have anyone to blame for their failure but themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the LOA community is very small, discovering about it was extremely lucky. so tell me a good reason why you know about it and simply can't manifest? exactly. there isn't one! you can and you should.
I'm not here to judge your difficulties in manifesting (even if I judge everything and everyone), because having difficulties and keep trying is one thing and simply giving up and saying "I can't manifest" is another.
it was a blessing from the universe, God, higher power, whatever you believe in. you discovering LOA was the damn greatest blessing of your life, don't you see that? don't you really see how blessed you are? maybe in the past you've been through hell, but now, my love, the sun is shining for you, you just have to want to shine. unfortunately a lot of people will never have that luck, there are people who would kill to be blessed like this. so please, I beg you... use this tool and have the damn happiest life you can, enjoy it and stop playing with the law.
tell me what do you really want? a true and light love? have a look that would never make you feel insecure again? being the pride of mommy and daddy and having their love? having that beautiful house and a happy family? finally healing from depression or other mental disorders and finally being able to live to the fullest? friends who really care about you? want to meet that idol you've been a fan of for a long time and that everyone thinks your passion for him is silly? want to live in that country far away from everyone? want to stop feeling that guilt or any other bad feeling that has been tormenting you for a long time? want to be truly happy for the first time in your life? want to be rich, a millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire? or just have enough money to lead a comfortable life and never have to work again? go ahead, tell me what you want. you can have it.
stop suffering, you don't deserve to suffer. enough torture. take what's yours and move on. you're strong enough for that. the game ain't over for you, you can't just give up like that. the game is yours, it obeys you, and it ends when you decide. take freaking control.
i suffered a lot in life, i hope one day i have the courage to tell you about my success here. and I simply don't know what I would do without finding out about LOA, just thinking about it fills my heart with gratitude. I feel like a winner. you deserve to feel this peace of having won too.
God bless you. take care of yourselves and put your head to work.
i ain't that selfish. if you need some backup, im here for you, babe. I wanna see you win. 🌟
#law of assumption#master manifestor#void state#loa blog#mentaldiet#neville goddard#success story#loa motivation#loa tumblr#loa success#affirm and persist#loablr#law of manifestation#edward art
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This is probably more of my personal headcanon / how I best like to interpret the characters rather than something canon based but... I have been thinking, at the end of the day most of the relationship bonds Dazai created in the ada span between rough and silently hostile. He doesn't get along with Yosano because of their shared link with Mori, and he doesn't like Ranpo because Ranpo being the only person he can't trick or manipulate probably makes him feel unsafe. It's not like he can exactly get along with the Tanizakis either, he's simply... Too distant from them to actually build anything positive with either Naomi or Jun'ichirou.
I think this explains why Dazai is so obsessed with Kunikida and can't leave him alone one second: because despite everything, I truly believe Kunikida is fond of Dazai (for reasons he himself would never be able to explain), and I feel like due to Kunikida's straightforwardness the tension between Dazai and Yosano and Ranpo would go completely unnoticed to Kunikida (whereas otherwise his seniors' negative opinion of Dazai could have negatively influenced Kunikida's feelings for him). That's why Dazai loves to spend time with and torment Kunikida, because he's the only member that doesn't feel directly hostile / out of reach. Even better, you know Kunikida isn't happy with Dazai; but it's also all very superficial, kind of a game, and the hostility isn't personal. It all makes me reflect on how Dazai feels truly desperate for human connection despite what he makes it look like. It's maybe more of a gut feeling, but I do truly believe Kunikida cares about Dazai and is willing to play their game, because I feel like otherwise he would have already told Dazai off definitely.
That also explains why once he met Atsushi Dazai absolutely latches onto him. It's like he's saying, this is my dude, I brought him to the agency; he's under my wing, and he's on my side. Which is a weird thing to say, there's no sides in the ada, but be it relapsing to old habits, be it a deep insecurity of Dazai, I feel like he's trying really hard to create connections and find allies. And Atsushi is such an ego boost for Dazai, I have no doubt Dazai absolutely loves him. In the end, as crazy as it may sound, I'm convinced that Dazai is way more dependent on Atsushi than Atsushi is on him.
But Atsushi is in good terms with the whole agency. Well, because he's Atsushi, and he's kind and clumsy and just trying to do his best, I feel like everyone warms up to him sooner or later. It's very nice to think in the end it may be Atsushi himself to bring Dazai closer to the rest of the ada, by breaking sides that never existed to begin with and linking them all together.
#osamu dazai#bsd ada#akiko yosano#ranpo edogawa#I don't think Yosano and Ranpo particularly like Dazai either tbh. Yosano for the same reasons Dazai doesn't like her.#Ranpo cause he's total bestie with Yosano so you know...#But I do believe they'd all be able to warm up to each other some time after Atsushi has joined#doppo kunikida#kunikidazai#atsushi nakajima#dazatsu#bsd#bungou stray dogs#mine#q.#23/12/23#Not really counting Kenji and Kyouka in the picture because... They're just kids you know?
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how much did you drink? — RAFE CAMERON

authors note hi loves!! i know i disappeared for awhile, my personal life got extremely busy and i never had time to write on my computer. i'm so excited to be back and writing for you guys though. this fic has been in my google doc for small minute and i got a request from an anon somewhat similar to this fic too, lol.
summary y/n getting a little too drunk at a party and rafe has to come pick her up
warnings drinking, swearing, smoking, sexual tension, implied smut?
Lets face it, you were drunk, like really drunk.
You made the decision to come out on a Saturday night with Sarah to John B’s. People dancing, making out everywhere, smoking, drinking, along with loud music.
As the night progressed you were on the table dancing with your best friend with bottles of tequila in your hands, everyone cheering you two on as you continued dancing.
“I’m having so much fun tonight” your words are slurring at this point.
“Me too,” your friend giggled.
Topper and Kelce shook their heads while they stood near the kitchen. Rafe, your boyfriend, told Topper and Kelce to watch you simply because he wasn't at the party.
“She's about to do something dumb” Topper murmurs, and Kelce nods in agreement.
Kelce replies, "I think it's time we called Rafe."
Topper calls Rafe, while Kelce tries to get you off the table but fails when you say no and to go away so you can drink more. Kelce turns around, sending Topper the clear message that Rafe needs to arrive as quickly as possible.
"Yo, Rafe, sorry for bothering you, but Y/N is really drunk and dancing on the table, and she won't listen to us" Topper scratched his chin, glancing at Kelce, who was attempting to get you off the table.
"Are you being serious?" Rafe must have been in a deep sleep based on the sound of his voice.
"Yeah, could you pick her up?" He begs.
Topper can hear Rafe's end shifting, "I'll be there soon, just keep an eye on here, please." Rafe sighs and hangs up the phone.
Meanwhile, Topper and Kelce were eventually able to get you off the table by claiming a drinking game was about to begin, which was correct. You stood in the kitchen with the guys and few other friends watching while others set out the red solo cups on the board.
Your friends came into the kitchen to see what you were doing and they were worried about you because they couldn’t find you.
"These two have me on lock down so I don't drink anymore but oddly waiting to play a drinking game," you add, staring at the girls before wandering your gaze over to Kelce and Topper, who are in the middle of a conversation with a few of their buddies.
Your friends laugh, shaking their heads, telling you, you should still be drinking and having fun.
"I'm so drunk right now, it's not even funny," you hiccuped as your body swayed back and forth, almost knocking you off your feet.
Topper leaned over the counter, grabbing you before you fell.
"Y/N, please drink the water," he says as he puts the water bottle out to you, you look at him, shaking your head as you push it away with your hand.
"Drink the water now, Y/N, we're going home," your boyfriend said, filling your ears. You circle around, placing your arms around his waist, excited.
"You guys are no fun," you scoff.
"That hangover isn't going to be fun in the morning," Rafe responds.
“How much did you drink baby?” he asks, lifting your chin up, making eye contact with you.
“I drank a lot and smoked too” you answered truthly, hiccuping.
"You are so hot, I could just fu-" you run your hands down his stomach, removing his shirt a little and gliding your hands on his exposed skin. Rafe stopped you before you could complete your sentence.
Usually when you drink too much and Rafe’s around you get very touchy with him and start saying unholy words from your mouth which leads to fucking or you need to really sober up. You can’t stop but think of how good he looks right now.
Rafe comes to these types of parties with you but tonight he wasn’t feeling it. He trusts you going to parties with your friends or the guys cause he knows you would never do anything that can hurt your relationship.
"All right, that's enough for the night. "Seriously, drink the water," he says, twisting the cap and handing you the water to sip. You realized nothing else would work, so you drank the water.
Rafe watched as you drank the water. When you get this drunk no one else can handle you unless it’s Rafe because he’s been around you enough to know. Your best friends get drunk with you so them being drunk trying to help you too doesn’t make the situation better.
When you finished the water, you wrapped your arms around Rafe, nuzzling your face in his chest mumbling words. He took it as a sign that you were ready to leave the party.
“We’ll walk you two out” Topper suggested to Rafe.
“Yeah that would be helpful, thank you” picking you up in braid style.
You lifted your head from Rafe's chest, confused as to why he began guiding you from the kitchen to the front door. "Why are we leaving?" you asked as you pulled away. "I want to stay," you protest, pointing back to your friends.
Rafe sighs, closing his eyes, "baby you are drunk and have been drinking a lot" he pauses, "you need to rest too" you pout.
“Say goodnight to them real quick,”
When you walk back to the kitchen your friends eye’s light up but faces drop when you tell them you were saying goodnight. They told you to be safe and see you tomorrow.
“I better get dick out of this” you sarcastically state, making the girls laugh.
“I love you girls” you wave as you leave the kitchen.
You flip Rafe off as you walk past him, giving him a blank stare. He throws his hands in the air, shaking his head, then follows you out the door.
The car ride to his house took five minutes. You were knocked out in the passenger seat curled up in a ball. You woke up when you felt the truck come to a complete stop. Rafe opened the door, carrying you inside.
You start singing a song from the party when you enter the Cameron household. Rafe chuckled as he locked the door then came behind you.
“You need to stay quiet because everyone's sleeping,” Rafe whispered softly.
“Oh my bad” you quickly stop, putting your hand over your mouth.
He lays you on his bed and goes in his closet for clothes for you. He comes back with sweats and one of your favorite t-shirts of his. Before you could lift your shirt, he stopped you.
“Let me do it please” he kisses your cheek.
He led you into the bathroom to remove your makeup and then dab water on your face to freshen it up before taking you into bed. When you spent the night, there was Advil and ice water on your side of the bed.
Rafe could tell you were still drunk by your facial expressions.
In your drunken state, seeing the Advil and water on the nightstand warms your heart, "Thank you baby," you look up, then pop the Advil in your mouth and take a long sip of the water.
"Need to make sure my girl is okay," he grins.
"How about we get into bed and sleep?" He then pulls you both into bed.
You quickly close your eyes when your head makes contact with his chest.
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Eva's isolation from the rest of the class and the status quo
I want to talk about how the other students ostracized Eva the most out of anyone in the class in Edens Garden so spoilers down below
I think out of any Dangan game, Eva was the most isolated and ostracized. I've seen some ppl compare her to Sakura in THH however the circumstances surrounding Sakura's isolation were vastly different than Eva.
Eva lied *once* about her Ultimate Talent which isn't something new since it's happened before in Dangan games, and she tried to hide that lie from the others in a pathetic attempt to make them not look at the watches and check the report cards.
Granted, they were right that maybe Eva lying about her Ultimate Talent, and then trying to make it so nobody looked at the watches could've potentially caused more harm than good, since they're in a killing game. However, I will remind everyone that this same cast has stated that they're not going to participate in the killing game at all and will just wait for their rescue. Why would they need to "make precautions to keep everyone safe during the game" if they're supposedly not going to be playing the game at all? It's hypocrisy because they hate Eva for lying, while also lying themselves about participating in the game.
And all that aside...what Eva lied about wasn't that bad. She only lied about her own talent and didn't want others to know about it more, and when everyone found out about it they began to mock her for it. Pretty relentlessly too, almost like they're still upset about her calling them naive in the beginning of the game. Or for being outwardly distrusting of other people.
When the motives are revealed, they blame Eva for Tozu's own actions and decisions because Tozu claimed that she inspired him by what she said about the watches (she said that any one could use the watches to learn secrets about other people which was true and exactly what people used the watches for, and then Tozu introduced the motives.)
It's unfair of them to blame Eva for something like that especially since Tozu admitted to Damon that all the secrets were all secrets that everyone had already revealed unknowingly, meaning that Tozu was just being an ass when he said Eva gave him the idea. He knew everyone disliked her, and just said that to add fuel to the fire.
The way the rest of the cast treated Eva aside from Damon and Diana is gross and bad. There was no reason for Wolfgang to try and keep them from investigating, nor was there a reason for him to suggest they were untrustworthy because of their difference in opinion about the Killing Game.
The truth is that the rest of the cast would much rather lie to one another about their intentions and how much they trust one another, than simply be honest about how they really feel. When Damon and Eva call them out in the prologue they're met with coldness and open distrust from everyone else.
But the rest of the class is more covert about how little they actually trust one another, proving that they know Damon and Eva were right the whole time.
In a way, they ostracized Eva the most because she questioned their status quo the most out of anyone, and it was easier to mock her or not take her seriously because of her talent.
AND they're hypocrites for mocking her talent because Damon was the one who claimed "not all talents are equal" in the prologue, not Eva. They all disliked Damon for saying that, but when Eva was revealed to be the Ultimate Mathlete instead of the Ultimate Liar, they resorted to treating her talent as lesser than their own. You know, exactly what Damon was doing in the prologue. But the difference is that Damon had the decency to be honest about how he felt then even if it made the others not like him for a short while.
In short, yes Eva is a bad person, but nobody else in the class are exactly "good" either. You can even tell their masks are all slipping by the way they all cringe at the end of the trial when Diana gives her speech about adapting.
These people don't want to "adapt" and change to the circumstances, they want things to have a steady pace and anyone questioning that steady pace gets shut out.
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, overprotectice behavior, isolation, abduction
Tags: @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
S/o is like Giyu from Demon Slayer
Joseph Joestar
🦾Lots of teasing is to be expected as Joseph is known for constantly pulling all sorts of tricks and playing games with his words all the time. Your quiet ad reserved nature just happens to be the perfect victim for the constant teasing, especially since there are times where he has the impression that you look down on him for his somewhat more childish and joking personality. You really are no fun to hang around as you are constantly elsewhere with your thoughts and it isn't uncommon for you to reprimand Joseph for his antics during the chase after the Red Stone of Aja which he always answers like the mature adult he is by giving you a ridiculous grimace. Once his obsession joins the action though, he has another hidden motive behind the constant jokes and the somewhat mean teasing he does. Simply speaking, he is miffed that you never respond to his flirty lines or any attempts to get to know you better. By mocking and teasing you as much as he does, he hopes that he might be able to get you to open up to him in one way. At times he takes it too far though, especially when he is feeling frustrated due to your stoic expression and Caesar has to literally punch him so that he behaves.
🦾The awkwardness that fills the atmosphere as soon as he finds out about your past and your survivor guilt is almost overwhelming and Joseph, unable to come up with a fitting response, replies in the only way he knows how to by telling another joke. The hot shame is gnawing away within him though and it shows in the way he behaves much more awkwardly around you the following days, more hesitant with every sentence he chooses to speak. He's not exactly good in being overly emotional and comforting someone but give him some credits for trying to cheer you up by attempting to make you laugh only to realise that you are not the type to do so. He seems to become overly aware of your self-loathing afterwards though, notices how you are very willing to sacrifice yourself in favor of others all because you don't think that you deserve to be still alive. That triggers something within Joseph as he quickly confronts you and calls you out for your hypocrisy of criticising him for his unfitting behavior on the battlefield all whilst you seem to view everything as your personal suicide mission. The amount of times he bickers with you is astonishing and especially frustrating as you stay silent.
🦾Joseph still stays very insensitive, especially when he is feeling petty and your behavior gives him lots of reasons to be petty. After all you ignore him often, avoid him or treat him as if he doesn't exist. At the same time Joseph is just yearning to see you expressing some sort of emotions besides that stoic expression that you give him so many times. He deserves an award for being as persistent as he is, constantly lurking around every corner in an attempt to scare you or to surprise you. That somewhat overbearing clinginess shows results though as you start to get exhausted from his antics, your own thread of patience slowly unraveling. To him it is almost some kind of victory the moment he manages to make you snap, his index finger pointing at you as he proclaims that you are human after all and not just an empty vessel with no feelings. Caesar he can't keep away but if any other man were to attempt to approach you, Joseph would probably tell them that they would merely waste their time as you are as cold as ice and your heart as unmovable as a statue, gossiping about you behind your back to drive all possible competition away from you.
Caesar A. Zeppeli
🫧As a lady you automatically receive more affection from Caesar as soon as you join the team in their quest to defeat the Pillar Men. Your introverted and silent personality doesn't mash well with Joseph's outspoken and blunt attitude and whenever the Joestar pokes fun at you for being the way you are, telling you that you'll die all alone if you keep that icy expression, Caesar gets quickly in a heated argument to force his teammate to apologise to you. In public he can't help but glance at you every once in a while to ensure that you are feeling alright as it is obvious that you aren't overly comfortable in busy streets though your hardened expression may not give that away. There is one curiosity that he shares with Joseph though and that is the question of what exactly happened in your past to shape you into the person that you are today, though Caesar would never admit that. After all it's almost like he sees a little bit of himself in you before he found out about the true intentions of his father and before he was taken in by Lisa Lisa. He knows what it's like to harden your skin to not reveal your pain and to not get hurt again yet you refuse to reveal any information, slowly driving Caesar mad as his attraction grows.
🫧It's his mentor who eventually reveals the crucial information about you that Caesar has been hoping to find out, all after he slowly approached her about the topic. It's your tragic backstory that most likely solidifies his transition from romantic feelings to a romantic obsession. Truly, it feels like he understands you too well for he too knows the feeling of indescribable loss and the terrible thought that it should have been you instead. With that guilt of still being alive comes the loss of value for one's own life, he has experienced this himself. This influences his behavior in every battle that follows from that point on. So far Caesar has always been somewhat protective but he always knew that you were much more rational and capable then Joseph who fools his way through every battle. That changes from that point on and you notice. He tries his best to not get separated from you during a fight, his green eyes constantly glancing over to you to make sure that you aren't in any serious troubles. Whenever you attempt to sacrifice yourself to beat an opponent, he instantly interferes and lectures you later on for it, half-angry and half-desperate as he fears that you will try it again in the next battle.
🫧Because there are similarities that both of you share in regards to your past, Caesar is quick to slip into more delusional thoughts. After all only someone who truly understands your pain and your feelings could ever make for a worthy and good partner for you and that instantly excludes every other man around you within his mind. After all they could never understand your struggles and insecurities. He, on the other hand, can. That makes him the best, the most capable of loving you. He's quick to humiliate and put everyone down who attempts to flirt with you or who makes fun of you for your cold expression, his protective side acting up. Those protective antics of his aren't made better by the fact that you so rarely speak up for yourself. That means that Joseph receives a lot of scoldings from Caesar as he is without the doubt the no. 1 culprit when it comes to teasing you and though he means rarely any offense with his jokes, of course Caesar is unable to just let him joke about you like this. That isn't to say that your inability to open up and express your thoughts and feelings isn't tormenting Caesar, he just attempts to hide it better though it'll eventually get to him.
🌪️There is no hesitation within your eyes the moment Wammu awakes from his long sleep as you attack the as soon as the Pillar Man breaks free from the stones. It's quite a rejoicing gift upon his awakening though as Wammu is a warrior, made for the battles and the fights. Though he has been asleep for so long, neither his refelxes nor his skills have dulled with time which is why he is able to effortlessly block all of your attacks. Throughout the entire exchange as he awakens his two masters and Joseph and Caesar also join the battle, he can't help but be most intrigued by you. Your mindset and your way of battling remind him the most of what he would define as a warrior. You show little to no fear on your face, always remain composed and analyse him and his own fighting style throughout every clash, searching for open spots or weaknessess. You are the most relentless, constantly targeting him and though you suffer a great amount of injuries yourself, eventually you manage to make him bleed. Instead of feeling ashamed for having been wounded, Wammu finds himself impressed. He almost doesn't wish to kill you so Joseph's last minute plan is a bait he gladly takes.
🌪️You vow to fight until your heart stops beating and he intends to see it through that you keep that promise as he uses a ring filled with poison, implanting it on your heart muscle as he gives you a date of when the two of you will meet again. As weeks pass and the promised day gets closer, Wammu finds himself training though Esidesi and Kars do not see the need in it as they are confident that he will be able to beat you. His motive is a different one though. He wishes to fight you with his fullest capabilities as he believes that you deserve that much respect from him as a fellow warrior. You haven't left his mind once even if he has only met you once yet through the fight Wammu has gotten to know you far more than some people can during an actual conversation with a stranger. He didn't sense any hint of hesitation from you even once as you attacked him over and over again when it became apparent that he was far stronger than you. He admires that mindset of not faltering even when your opponent is far above you. You are no coward who runs away but gives it her all and just as you will throw your everything at him, he intends to do the same.
🌪️It's you instead of Caesar who approaches him in the castle as you quietly left without letting Lisa Lisa, Caesar or Joseph notice. You do not wish to get them involved as they mean a lot to you, another respectable trait that Wammu can't help but praise. Just as he has promised himself he goes all out against you and just as he has been hoping, you don't hold back against him either. You've greatly improved since the last time he has fought you and it fills him with a great sense of joy to know that you have trained earnestly for this day. Unfortunately you are still not strong enough to beat him as you grow weaker the longer this fight goes on. However, Wammu has decided to not kill you. During this one fight he has all but fallen for you. You are a worthy woman he is sure his master will approve of. He stops you as you go for another attack despite your heavy wounds, tells you that you can rest now as you have done more than enough to earn his respect and forever affection. He shall give you the ring with the antidote without any more bloodshed but you may not leave again. After all you stand on the side which intends to bring Kars down and he cannot accept this.

🧠What intrigues him in particular about you is that you use your Hamon to manipulate water a lot during your fight against Wammu, a technique which serves as the opposite to his own ability to heat his blood up and to use his melt afterwards to melt everything it touches. Though he doesn't believe that you would go far if he were to fight against you as you still lack experience and skills. Esidesi's confidence lies in Wammu as he believes the warrior to be capable of holding you and your teammates back so it is a surprise for him and Kars when you manage to get past Wammu, your eyes on the two big fish. Obviously Kars and him are able to dodge you and your attacks effortlessly yet it is the fact that you managed to outsmart Wammu which has fully earned you Esidesi's fascination. He decides to not use his Flame Mode on you though as he realises that you are far too weak to take him on at his full strength, Instead he dodges your attacks, watching your every movement intrigued. As Wammu decides to spare Joseph and instead give him an ultimatum by imbedding a poisoned ring within his heart, Esidesi gets inspiration and decides to do the same with you.
🧠As you stay on his mind persistently, Esidesi decides to indulge himself a little bit. Sure, he respects you somewhat but he doesn't hold you in such a high regard as someone like Wammu which is why he has no qualms unveiling your past to satiate his own curiosity. Perhaps he has underestimated just how tragic the life of a human can be though as he discovers your past riddled with hardship and guilt. Going through it all and then thinking back, suddenly he realises why you had no hesitation attacking him and why you kept such an aloof attitude even as it became obvious that you weren't able to beat him as you currently were. You do not hold yourself highly, think of yourself as unworthy and that someone else should be alive and in your place instead of you. Frankly speaking, Esidesi thinks of it as a petty. After all you are such a pretty thing. Throwing your life away like this would be such a waste. That thought crosses his mind a lot as he awaits the day where you are meant to see him again and on a whim he decides to search for you earlier than he intended to do, all because he wants to see you through new lenses now that he is aware of your past.
🧠He successfully manages to avoid being noticed by Lisa Lisa and her two guards, allowing him to observe you as you immerse yourself in your training. Whilst Caesar and Joseph train together you distance yourself as you prefer solitude and it is without their company and antics that Esidesi senses that air of grief and guilt that surrounds you. It is quite tragic even to him. After all he is no monster and still possesses a heart. He has never planned on how long he intends to stay but in hindsight he probably wouldn't have estimated to remain for days on end on the island, observing you and watching you as you train. When the day arrives where one of Lisa's guards is meant to test you, he kills the man and decides to test you himself instead. He goes all out for the first time on that day, revealing the full extent of his abilities to you and you fight bravely. It's during that battle that he decides to not only spare your life but also that he will take you. You've successfully managed to intrigue him and now he intends to keep you. After all he has only gotten to know one side of yours and yet he already feels this way. So he is truly excited to see how much his feelings can grow once he pulls you out of your shell.
Kujo Jotaro
🚬In many ways Jotaro and you seem to be peas of the same pot. Both of you aren't overly thrilled to be amongst other people, both of you have troubles to express your feelings to others and both of you rarely let feelings get in the way during a battle. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why both of you get along rather well as both of you manage not to annoy each other. You are one the few women in Jotaro's life that hasn't fangirled over him and gotten on his nerves and he secretly appreciates that as it allows both of you to work together better as you chase down DIO to save his mother. You are a very reliable ally during the entire journey as you always remain composed and analyse every situation and every fight you get yourself involved in. There are multiple times where Jotaro catches you sitting somewhere alone as you need to recharge your social batteries in order to function properly but instead of scolding you, he joins you as he too needs to recover from everything. Neither one of the both of you speak much during such moments as you just stare silently ahead of you whilst he smokes a cigarette. Weirdly enough such wordless moments bring the both of you a lot closer.
🚬Throughout the journey Jotaro grows a lot more protective of you as the enemies just keep on coming though he is not overbearing with it all. You are able to hold out on your own and he is somewhat glad as he wouldn't want to babysit you too closely as there are other things to focus on during the search for DIO. During the final battle between him and DIO Jotaro receives the first major shaking that leads to his obsession as DIO kills his grandfather right in front of him and nearly kills you all to push the Joestar into despair. Seeing your half-dead body on the ground, helpless against the stopping of time, awakes something within Jotaro which he was previously not truly aware of. He cannot put his fingers around it but it is that feeling which aids him during his fight against DIO and eventually leads to the brutal defeat he puts the vampire through. Initially he believes that this unfamiliar and intrusive emotion will go away as soon as you have recovered but he is mistaken. Whilst it weakens after you have made a full recovery, it doesn't disappear. Instead it always stirs awake when you are around and this troubles Jotaro to the point where he actually tries to avoid you.
🚬There's a lot of reflection that he goes through as he slowly realises just what he is feeling and to what extent he is feeling. There are a lot of moments that suddenly replay within his head where you were about to sacrifice your life to take an enemy down. During the journey he didn't think of it too much as everyone on the team was prepared to risk their lives, especially once they stood face to face against DIO. It didn't bother him too much back then but now, after everything is down, he finds himself suddenly slightly aggravated about it though he knows that he should have no right to complain as he himself has done similar stunts throughout their travels. As soon as he has noticed his obsession, everything is suddenly burning very intensely within him and his possessive traits and his overprotective traits are the two things that burn the brightest amongst everything he is feeling. By now Jotaro has arrived at the point where he is aware of his feelings but has decided that he won't care for any morals. Instead he just returns to your life after your absence and makes it silently very clear that he intends to ensure that you become his from now on.
#yandere jojo's bizarre adventure#yandere jjba#yandere jojo kimyou na bouken#yandere x reader#jojo’s bizarre adventure x reader#jjba x reader#yandere joseph#yandere joseph joestar#joseph joestar x reader#yandere caesar#yandere caesar zeppeli#caesar x reader#caesar zeppeli x reader#yandere wammu#wammu x reader#yandere esidesi#yandere jotaro#yandere kujo jotaro#jotaro x reader#kujo jotaro x reader
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Hi there! Good day or night! I hope you're doing well! May i request romantic headcannons for Wine and Coffee with a reader who's kind and generally a pacifist, separately. Plssss?

Hey travelers! Your requests are pretty similar so I hope you don't mind me merging your asks. I've been wanting to write them for some time now, so I hope you enjoy the headcannons!
Featuring: Wine, Coffee.
Assuming you both met at the underground, he straight up thinks it's a facade the first time he meets you.
But when he does realize it isn't a facade and that's just how you are, he's very confused and a bit concerned.
How did someone so kind ended up in the hell hole that is the underground?
It does not matter, at this point he has already taken you in along with Chara.
And some time later...Chara now treats you both as their parents. Congratulations..?
Wine's demiromantic, so he won't fall for you right at the start, he only considers you as a friend.
Though when he does catch feelings for you, he waits until the monsters get freed from the underground, he knows if anyone finds out he fell in love with a human you're gonna be in great danger.
Even on the surface, Wine still has a lot of connections and is still very important, not that he'll ever tell you what he does.
Loves the fact that you get along with his brother, if you didn't he wouldn't even be with you traveler.
His ecto-body is hot, not like that traveler, and he adores when you snuggle him at cold night, he thinks it's adorable.
Chara has asked for a sibling multiple times, Wine never gave them a proper response.
"Yes sweetheart?"
"I want a sibling."
"Dad answer me!"
Oh lord. He's so in love.
It's just so difficult to find someone who actually respects him for who he is and not because they're scared of his brother.
He doesn't really speak much, except if you manage to be close to him, Coffee mostly communicates by notes.
Though if you ask about a game he likes, he can go for hours straight telling you all about it, to the characters to the mechanics and what's the lore behind it.
Even if you simply watch him play, he still enjoys it, it makes him feel warm inside.
Coffee definitely leaves notes around places he knows you'd see, just simple reminders and compliments like "HAVE YOU DRINKED WATER TODAY?" or "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU TODAY BUT I KNOW YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL <3" and then have a sketch of you filling the rest of the note.
If you're ever being stalked or someone's being a little shit to you, Coffee will tell Wine, your brother in law still has connections after all, it won't take long for that person to leave you alone.
Loves cuddles, it does not matter where, on the couch, the bed, the floor.. anywhere that isn't public he'll cuddle you.
Also loves to play with your hair, he thinks it's just so soft! If you let him he'd be with his hands all over your hair while cuddling.
Coffee stays awake late a lot of the time, sometimes you wonder how he didn't die from sleep deprivation.
Please help him regulate his sleeping schedule, it's all fucked up.
His face turns yellow when you compliment his art, and he malfunctions.
"That looks so good dear!"
*Coffee is overheating
"Oh god i think I broke him.."
#sans x reader#sans au#undertale au#papyrus x reader#papyrus au#fellswap gold#fellswap gold sans#fellswap gold papyrus#fellswap Gold papyrus x reader#fellswap gold sans x reader
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Hiiiii :3
I just bing read all of your stuff and to be honest, the student council president totally has my heart <33
Like, omg?? Imagine having the top student at your school wrapped around your finger?? The idea makes me so happy. Like, i can imagine if you start/ are in a club he'd probably give whatever funding you asked for (but idk if he would be too jealous to let you be in one tho, he might make it disband to have you all to himself. Or not! Lemme know what you think)
also i luv your work, im so excited to see what you write this year 💛💛💛

(yandere! student council president x gn! club leader reader)
"man there's no one coming..."
"then i suppose i am simply invisible, hm?"
you sigh, turning your head to stare at the student council president beside you. his face displays a gentle smile, but you know it is nothing more than a facade.
"you're different. you follow me around everywhere."
you mumble, groaning as you bury your face in your arms. that's right, he did follow you around wherever you went. said something like how he needs to keep an eye on you or something...
seriously, he might've been the reason your club has no people now! you know how scary he can get towards others. but he wouldn't do that, right? he's not that crazy... plus he's the one who approved of your club in the first place! he wouldn't do something like that! erm actually ☝️🤓
"yeah but that's only because i need to make sure that you're safe..."
he hums, caressing the back of your head with a tender hand. you only grumble in response to his words, finding no comfort in his touch.
after all, your club was on the verge of disbandment just a month after it got approved. initially, the club had lots of members, all coming to each club session. but as the weeks went by the numbers slowly dwindled and now you're left with no one. well, apart from the damned student council president of course.
you had always wanted a club. but now that you had one it was on the verge of disbanding? how could you feel happy?
"ugh safe from what? there's literally no one around me to even talk to now..."
he hums while watching you grumble to yourself, resisting the urge to smile. why? because it was precisely his plan to isolate you from others. but he wouldn't want to do it in such an obvious way, no not at all! you'd hate him!
instead he played the long game, agreeing to your silly little idea of starting your own club. at first he didn't want to agree. why start your own club when you could join him? you could be like, his honorary assistant or something. besides, being around others would only poison you. they're filthy pests.
but then he saw the way your eyes twinkled at the very idea of having your own club and... he decided to indulge you a little. you were just way too cute to reject!
he had expected maybe one or two people to be interested in your club but who would've known that your idea would've interested half of the school population? he was horrified. he could tolerate a small group of friends but half the school cohort?
so he did what any reasonable person would do and... slowly destroyed your club. come on, what else could a man in love do when his love was being threatened? of course he had to get rid of the competition. you could've fallen for one of your club members if he had just stood by and allowed such treachery to occur!
threatening your club members, forcing them to quit... it was all necessary to ensure you'd never leave him. not like you'd ever want to leave him anyway. he made sure you wouldn't have any hard evidence of him doing anything to threaten your club.
i mean, he's nice and sweet, isn't he? he allowed you to start a club, joined each and every one of your sessions, and even helped you advertise your club! how could you ever hate him?
really, he's just a nice president who's a little bit touchy, is all :) he's doing all this to protect you! so when will you realize that the presence of other people will do you no good?
#suiana's sinners#yandere#tw yandere#yandere x reader#yandere drabbles#yandere imagines#yandere scenarios#yandere concept#yandere student council president#yandere student council president x reader#gn reader#suiana rambling#suiana brainrotting
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note. charles gives off the biggest little brother vibes and I stand by that. little shithead I love him <3
classic yapper brother x nonverbal sibling relationship. charles loves ranting and babbling about his day to you no matter how busy you are. he'll be tugging at the ends of your clothes while you're washing the dishes, excitingly going off about the most random topics.
has a sixth sense where he immediately knows whenever you're about to leave the house. don't even bother trying to tiptoe out that door. cause the moment your fingers even graze the doorknob, he is sprinting towards you like a madman. practically begging you to let him come with you (doesn't matter where you're going, he'll beg and beg till you have to bring him along otherwise your eardrums might just burst).
he always insists on playing soccer together! though, with his natural skills for the sport and his experience, it isn't hard to guess who the winner is each game. shamelessly ignores you whenever you accuse him of just wanting to beat you. if he covers his ears long enough, you'll shut up and go through another round of painful losses again.
of course, soccer isn't the only thing you guys play. charles is surpringly a big fan of several different board games! and he seems to be pretty good at them, too. uno is one of his personal favorites, partly because it's one of those games where both parties really get fired up.
alas, charles' tremendous luck is something you simply can not beat. he's grinning ear to ear, trying to hold in his giggle before brutally hitting you with a stacked +12. (he can't help but burst out laughing when he sees the way you begrudgingly pick up the cards.) don't be a sore loser now. you'll just have to step up your uno game.
despite his clinginess towards you, charles is still your younger sibling. and as younger siblings do, he doesn't hesitate to snitch and blackmail you to get what he wants.
oh, you recently flunked an important math test? well, you better start emptying your pockets and prepare to swallow your pride. he's more than happy to use your hard earned money to increase his candy stash.
of course, he isn't completely a little brat. he's still somewhat of a child, after all. whenever he's feeling down for whatever reason, he immediately seeks comfort by your side. sitting quietly and resting his head on your shoulder till his energy completely restores.
definitely used to barge into your room and slept there whenever he had nightmares. you can still remember the sight of his sniffling expression as he crawled into your bed and tried to explain his dream in a shaky voice. (he denies it whenever you try and bring it up.)
extremely petty and likes to pick fights over the smallest things with you. oh, did he hear you say you were craving cereal? well, too bad. he's already skipping his way to the pantry with a toothy smirk. why are you looking at him like that? it's not like he purposely made sure to use every last drop of the milk. oh well, maybe next time you'll think twice before 'forgetting' to pick him up from practice.
always ALWAYS tries to call shotgun and whines the whole car trip when he doesn't get it. purposely kicks on the back of your seat till you eventually can't take it anymore and just let him get the damn seat. too bad. charles : 3 you: 0.
#— elys works#charles chevalier#charles x reader#charles chevalier x reader#bllk x reader#bluelock x reader#blue lock x reader#bllk imagines#bluelock imagines#blue lock x you#bllk x you#bllk fluff#bluelock fluff
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🏐 — kageyama tobio x f!reader
— synopsis: kageyama always had one agenda in his life: volleyball. it just so happens that you seemed to challenge him even more than the sport has ever done in his life.
- warnings: pro player!kageyama, frenemies to lovers, volleyball player!reader, swearing, kageyama being too obsessed with volleyball while also being obsessed with you, angst to fluff. lyrics taken from "slut!" by taylor swift but the story isn't actually based on the song lol
— parts: i, ii, iii, iv

i; being this young is art
kageyama only had one agenda settled in his life: volleyball.
every day, every second and every minute that took up his life, he'd spent it with his feet on the court, his sweat dripping down his body, his eyes on the ball, and his ears listening to the sweet sound of the ball richocheting off every corner of the gymnasium.
he felt like he couldn't live without the feeling of the blue and yellow leather being spiked with his palm, or the way it felt on his fingers when he sets it, or how the impact felt on his wrists. it was his craving, his air, his life.
was it an exaggeration? others may say so. kageyama thinks it's simply his passion.
and then he would eat and eat until all that food would turn into muscle. on mornings he would go on jogs, afternoons would be spent in courts, evenings would be spent planning how his next game could occur.
serve. set. receive. spike. repeat.
it was a cycle he'd run around until his heart would stop beating and his legs had run out of life. he never had any other responsibilities to stress himself out on (except his studies, of course). his love, attention, and care– all on volleyball.
so it was no surprise if someone were to find him spending his free time in the gym, with waterbottles aligned by the net, practicing alone because his team decided to use their rest days to actually rest rather than exert all their energy in practice and lose it all when the game arrives.
"oi, kageyama!"
to his surprise, he looks at the doors and sees hinata's bright tangerine hair illuminating the room. kageyama didn't expect that his rival stood at the doors of his team's gym, let alone see him in casual clothes rather than the ones he wore when he played.
"what are you doing here?" he snickers, catching the ball he had previously set before the interruption. "this isn't your team, dumbass."
"i know that," hinata snarls. "come join us! our teams are gonna go out and have some drinks."
"what for?"
"to celebrate our victory."
kageyama groans. "boastful dumbass."
"do you have any other word in your vocabulary other than 'dumbass'?"
"yes," he throws the ball and shoots it to the cart of other balls, picking up the waterbottles aligned. "idiot."
hinata charges at him.
his small albeit heavy body topples kageyama to the ground, his back hitting the floor and the bottles thrown astray from the impact. kageyama groans and pushes him off when hinata's knee presses accidentally on his stomach.
"get off me, you tiny dumba– idiot!"
a couple minutes of rowdiness created by the pair, and kageyama finds himself stepping foot into a small party surrounded by people he has grown up with– those who taught him how to be better, to be a good sport, how to win.
he was clad in a blue simple shirt and jeans, feeling a little underdressed by his friends who wore casual yet elegant clothing that suited their personalities best. he approaches atsumu first, the blonde twin smiling brightly at the sight of kageyama nearing with his hands in his pockets.
"tobio-chan!" he exclaims, an arm extended to wrap around kageyama's shoulders. "take it you were practicing again, huh?"
"yes," he answers, taking the beer bokuto enthusiastically offers him. "i don't want to waste my free time not practicing."
"you spend so much time improving yet you remain mediocre at best," tsukishima snickers, taking a light sip of his beer. "at ease, your majesty."
"i'm 21!" hinata pleads, showing the bartender three valid ids. "i'm of age! i'm allowed to drink! atsumu, please tell him i'm of age."
"give him something to drink," atsumu smiles. "it's past his bed time so he's talking nonsense. give him apple juice and he'll think it's beer."
kageyama hollers, the warm liquid inside the beer bottle sloshing from his jovial movements. it all feels nostalgic– he feels as if he's back at training camp, except with the presence of atsumu and sakusa, whom he had met at the all youth training; with the addition of ushijima and oikawa's presence.
everyone was here– those he had considered rivals at the opposite ends of the gymnasium, now sharing laughs and stories like they had all been best friends since the beginning of volleyball's existence.
divided by talents and hard work, united by volleyball.
and he was there for hours, talking about nothing but volleyball, except the occasional school talks. kageyama's body unwinds at the familiar environment, the alcohol in his system temporarily taking over his usual tense demeanor.
kageyama was in the middle of ordering another drink when he sees you.
his chest fumes.
you're a seat apart from him, elbows on the counter, dress tight around your body. the scarlet hues of your attire reflecting beautifully underneath the dim lights of the bar. your hair hangs loosely over your shoulders, and suddenly you looked entirely different from the woman he sees on the court– sweaty and tired, bare faced, hair up in a ponytail, agitated yet pumped up with adrenaline at the same time.
your red lips leave a stain on the rocks glass. kageyama clears his throat.
your head darts to his direction. and your eyebrows shoot up in amusement. "kageyama tobio. what a nice surprise."
"nice to see you're dressed like a girl." kageyama puts his elbow on the counter, a strand of hair touching the space above his left eyebrow. your chin tilts up at his backhanded compliment.
"nice to see you have your head out of your ass."
"it happens once in a while." he shrugs, placing the rim of the beer on his lips. you mirror him, sipping on what he assumes to be whiskey. it leaves him impressed. "you're a hard drinker."
"you drink like you're a teenager." you snort. "beer, really? you're at a classy bar and you're drinking beer?"
he cocks his head behind him to show his tipsy friends, cheeks reddened from the alcohol that is taking over their senses little by little. "it's what they offered me."
"you're here to celebrate the black jackals' victory, right?" you spin on your seat, fully facing him. your legs cross and your heel bounces on your bare leg, leg jerking. your nail traces the lips of your glass. "did it hurt your tiny little ego, tobio-chan?"
"i want to hurt your little ego."
"seems like i just hurt it again."
"(y/n)!" kuroo booms behind kageyama, his arms spread to approach you into a hug. you accept it, wrapping your arms around his buff figure, your head in the middle of his chest. kageyama clutches his bottle tightly. "nice to see you here."
"victories should be celebrated," you smile up at him.
kageyama remembers the recent victory of your team in the women's division, ranking second. you were their wing spiker, the main source of the team's consecutive scoring; albeit you weren't their ace, so that fact was enough to lighten his spirits.
"oh! congratulations then, pretty girl," kuroo combs your hair and kisses your cheek. this bond that he sees remains to leave his queries unanswered– he doesn't know when and how you became close wth kuroo, but he knows damn well it didn't happen during high school.
kuroo's lips on your cheek, the smile on your face, the innocence, the close friendship. something pokes on kageyama's brain, and his eye twitches.
"thanks, kuroo."
he walks away and leaves the two of you again. your body rotates to face the counter fully, letting kageyama stare at the sides of your body. he huffs. "where's your team?"
"over there," you cock your head to the side. his eyes follow the crowd of girls laughing somewhat drunkenly, talking loudly about the recent events of your match. "left them alone 'cause i needed another drink."
"okay," is all he says. it's all he ever really says to every person. though the silence that follows is comfortable to him, because kageyama was never really a talker unless it was triggered by anger (thus, he only ever really yelled at hinata, which makes up the most of his loud moments).
you didn't seem to mind the silence, either. you twist your wrist to see the ice cubes rock against one another in your drink, lips pursed, your tongue poking the inside of your cheek. when you bring your glass up to your crimson lips, kageyama speaks again—
"do you wanna get out of here and play with me?"
you almost choke on your drink, eyes widening as you slowly spin to face him. he sees a slight disturbance in your eyes to which he can't figure out the reason why. "what?"
"you know, like, play volleyball with me?"
"oh," you laugh. "we're here at the bar for a reason, tobio-chan. we can't always play volleyball for every second of every day."
kageyama scoffs. "lame."
"excuse me?"
"LAME," he says loudly.
you seethe, eyes narrowing. you slam your glass on the counter, a light rattling sound emitting. you grab your purse that was on your lap tightly, hopping down the seat.
"me? lame? guess which one of us won." you poke your tongue at him. "i'll show you who's lame, loser. calling me lame. who the fuck are you calling lame?!"
you mutter the last sentences, though kageyama laughs behind you as you trail away from him and towards your teammates, bidding your goodbye. their drunken states barely brought the thought of questioning into their minds as they mindlessly let you go.
kageyama, on the other hand, seemed to find difficulty into making the situation innocent— bringing a girl home you met at the bar wasn't a situation that lacked innuendo.
"kageyama, you're bringing a girl home?" hinata pips in surprise. "is- is that (y/n)? you're going to bring her home?!"
"i won't bring her home, dumbass." he snarls. "we're just– gonna toss balls at each other."
"what kind of foreplay are you into?" atsumu snorts. "you're supposed to let her touch your balls."
kageyama shivers. "that's disturbing."
"oi, asshole," you throw your coat on you, easily slipping your arms into each sleeve. kageyama thinks the coat you're wearing was something you grabbed last minute; it did nothing to contrast nor match your dress. it makes him raise a brow. "ready to go?"
"yes," he takes his coat from one of the couches his team sits on. he claps ushijima's back to nods in acknowledgement, ignoring the teasing hollers of his tipsy friends. you blow a kiss to kuroo that sticks a stem of thorns on kageyama's eyes.
🏐 —
the cold never seemed to leave japan no matter the weather. despite this, you're both still comfortable enough in your thick coats that covered your thin clothing.
the snowflakes fall on your hair, melting tiny wet spots at your scalp. there are some that fall on your eyelashes, at the tip of your nose, but it's nothing to you now.
you didn't expect kageyama to bring you at an alleyway beside the bar. you didn't expect that this is what you would be doing at an alleyway. the fact that kageyama had a ball in his car was expected, but it was something you found endearing nonetheless.
your instincts allowed your wrists to seamlessly catch the ball kageyama tosses to you.
"you know, i'd expect that you'd bring a girl back to your apartment, share stories, maybe give her a kiss or two–" kageyama begins to blush, "–but i also don't know why you bringing a girl out to play volleyball does not surprise me."
"just like i always tell you– i don't like spending my time on things that won't improve my skills."
"take it easy, dude," you catch the ball with your hands, keeping it between your palms. "at this rate, you're going to die a virgin."
"who says i'm a virgin?"
"i see you almost piss yourself when you talk to a girl," you snort, tossing the ball back to him.
"i don't piss myself when i talk to you."
"well, thank god you don't." kageyama sneers. "you'll make yourself look even more like a loser. loser of all losers."
the sneer on his face softens just a tiny bit, which is caused by the way you smile at how you had to bend your knees to receive his petty toss.
his heart mimics skipping stones at a quiet lake.
"'m not a loser," he huffs. "dumbass."
you catch the ball between your hands and hurl it at him. "don't call me a dumbass!"
kageyama ducks, yelping loudly. when he returns to his usual stance, he offers you a threatening glare that makes you spin on your heels and bolt, exiting the alleyway. he yells for you, following suit, almost slipping on his shoes from the melted ice on the cemented ground.
your laugh echoes in the midnight streets of tokyo, roads idle and buildings closed. the sound of your heels meeting the cobblestone ground taps his ears like a rhythm, your giggles akin to melodies of a harp. kageyama barely spares a pant, his feet almost catching up to you.
your hair blows past your face, your coat floating in the air; and the wind leaves cold kisses on his face, getting inside his nose that makes it turn red, his sinuses hurting from the crisp impact. he yells your name and you flip him off.
perhaps it was the beer in his system that makes him woozy, the glow of the streetlights becoming blurry. maybe it was because of the sudden whiplash he faces when you duck and he accidentally topples over your bending body, landing on his back on a loud thump.
your laugh scratches his ears irritatingly.
"do you see what i mean?" you bend, placing your hands on your knees. "take it easy. you're too in the moment that you end up hurting yourself."
the pain trembles on his spine, his hair damp on his forehead. he glares at you, his breath evident as it leaves his panting mouth. you offer your hand and he takes it. "don't tell me how to function."
"alright man," you drop his hand, and kageyama falls to the ground again as you raise your hands in mock defeat. "just a friend looking out for you."
kageyama groans, standing up and dusting his pants off. "you're not my friend,"
there's barely any hurt that flashes your eyes; you know he's joking. "ouchie, tobio-chan." you pout, hands clutching each other over your heart. "you really do know how to hurt a girl."
he huffs, like a petulant child. "let's go back to the bar."
you don't realize how far you've gotten away when you begin to walk, your elbows brushing against his, hands warming inside your coat's pockets. kageyama was no longer scowling, his lips pressed into a flat line and staring right ahead.
to your surprise, he asks: "how do you– function without playing volleyball?"
you feel yourself calm down, body relaxing at the warmth kageyama radiates. you look up at him. "there's more to life than volleyball, 'd you know that?" you start softly. "there's nothing wrong with playing a sport for the rest of your life, but i'm just longing for this sense of accomplishment that's different from what i feel when i win a match."
kageyama stares blankly at you, though you could see the gears spinning slowly behind his eyes. "you... you want to be more accomplished?"
"yeah." you let out a sigh. there's hesitance when you open your mouth, like you're unsure if kageyama is the person you should be telling it to.
he hopes you tell him.
that sense of accomplishment— he doesn't know what you're talking about. he's only ever known the elation of winning a match, the confidence that he gains knowing everyone else was also relying on his decisions, realizing that each choice he made brought his team to success. that feeling was addicting, like a drug, something that he chased over and over again.
the feeling of winning in volleyball was all he ever knew. but now—
now he wonders if maybe that feeling was something that's not permanent; that maybe he should be looking for more than just that rush. he wants to know what you're thinking and see what he's missing in his life.
"it's why..." you blink, eyelashes grazing your cheeks as you do so. the gloss over your lips has matted from the cold air, bottom lip getting lost between your teeth. you let out a shaky, nervous sigh. "i'm quitting volleyball."
kageyama snaps his head to you. "what?!"
"yeah," you laugh nervously, shoulders raising. "i've been playing volleyball since i was middle school, tobio. i'm 21, i think it's time to start something new."
his eyebrows furrow. "okay... w-why?"
"kageyama," you say softly. "we can't always live on the rush we get everytime the whistle blows and we've won. there's always more than just tossing balls in a match."
he's a little slow. "uhuh..."
you laugh tiredly. "what i'm trying to say is that volleyball isn't the only battle we have in our life. and i want to win those other battles." you say, then add: "you know, in an analogical kind of way."
"okay." he says. "i get it." just a little.
"which is why tomorrow, i'm officially retired. we're not only just celebrating our victory, y'know," there's a small skip in your step, and when you sniffle, it's a little blocked. "it's kind of like a... what do you call it? going away party? no, that's not right..."
kageyama tunes out the rest of your loud pondering. despite finding you the most irritating being in existence, he feels the slightest bit of dejection at your departure. and he thinks he may lose you the minute you step out– that he'd no longer get to talk to you, practice with you outside of his team;
that after all the years he's known you, he's afraid you're turning your back on something you've both bonded on.
"work with me," he steps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. you give him an incredulous frown.
"be my personal trainer then."
"kageyama, i didn't quit volleyball just so i could work in something related to volleyball. i'm trying to swerve from the sport, y'know?"
"you're not going to train me volleyball." he shakes his head, his hair falling to his sides, ending just above his ears. "you're just... going to help me... be interested in something other than volleyball?"
"so you want me to take up a job where i'm like your concerned mother who wants you to have a life, is that it?"
"n-no! fuck's sake..." you raise your brow at him. "i'm saying that... that you will be like- my- um- personal... assistant?"
"fuck no," you guffaw. "you're ridiculous! are you even going to pay me?"
he stiffens. "i... i'll have to ask m-management for that."
"geez, tobio," you look to the side, baffled by his abrupt conditions. "you know i could just help you find other hobbies as your... acquaintance, right? i don't need to have an official position for you or anything.
he flinches at the word acquaintance.
"besides... why me?"
"because..." he breathes out, like he's been holding his breath for a long time. "i've known you since high school and... you're the only one i'm not shy to look embarrassing to."
your face softens, eyebrows raising. your hand comes out of your pocket and places itself on his bicep. his blush is overpowered by the cold's brutal nipping.
"i can't help you, tobio," you tell him, your lips turning into a flipped smile of empathy. his shoulders slump. "see you around."
you walk past him, and he turns his head to watch you walk away. kageyama thinks he's seen this before, that bite in his heart from seeing your back to him because of something kageyama has stupidly caused. it's all too familiar.
a little too painful.
and he's scared to lose you again.
🏐 —
his phone dings at 4:30am.
you. Am i going to be paid? 4:30am
the sleep on his eyes are flickered away from his sudden energy. kageyama sits up and props himself against his bed frame, clumsily holding his phone between his calloused fingers.
kageyama. like i said, i'll have to ask management. why the sudden question? 4:31am
the gray bubbles on your side appear and disappear for what seems to be five excruciating times. his heart pounds rapidly, fingers trembling.
you. Realized I can't get a good job immediately, lol. This could be a good starter. I'm sacrificing all the ego I've built over the years just so I could work for you. 4:33am
kageyama. WITH me. 4:33am
you. Okay. 4:33am
there's a pause. he doesn't close his phone yet because he knows you're staring at your phone just like he is.
he likes it when he's correct too.
you. Please text me immediately when you've asked your management. Look forward to working WITH you. 4:34am
there's a sense of hope fluttering in him.
suddenly there's a path opening from the cycle he's been running on since his youth. he brazenly follows it.

this is a series haha i won't be telling you how they already know each other u guys just have to wait for the next part
reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
#haikyu x reader#haikyuu#haikyu fluff#kageyama x reader#kageyama tobio#tobio kageyama#kageyama x you#kageyama x y/n#kageyama fluff#kageyama angst#haikyuu kageyama#kageyama tobio x reader
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Astrology Observations🦋
*as always* take what you want, leave what you want
*based only on my personal experiences with people with these placements*
🧚🏻cancer venus: if you've ever felt love from a cancer venus then i hope you know how special it can be. does it feel like love-bombing at times? sure. But i find it beautiful how unabashedly they throw themselves into someone they like. can it be suffocating to someone who isn't fully ready to commit? sure. but its impossible not to root for them.
🧚🏻taurus venus: wonderful, incredible, sensational style sense. thrift shop royalty. impeccable taste. can look good in anything - simply because it looks like a carefully curated outfit when in reality it took them probably 5 mins to throw together.
🧚🏻gemini venus: attracted to people who show them endless fascination. enjoys playing questions games to get to know people. knowing someones favorite color or season may seem pointless but they genuinely find a person's answers interesting.
🧚🏻as a fixed sign .... i have found i clash the most with cardinal signs. they infuriate me to no end. I enjoy the dynamic nature of mutable signs more.
🧚🏻Leo sun/moon: listen....even when you meet one and they tell you: "i'm like the most un-leo, leo ever! I hate being the center of attention!" they are LYING. either to you or themselves or both. i understand why taurus get the bad rep for being stubborn but leo's are stubborn in the way they believe they fully are the best person in the room at all times....which in a way i am almost envious of them? they have a kind of self-love that is unflinching.
🧚🏻virgo suns: make extremely well bosses. are very diplomatic and fair in how each worker is treated and never takes anything personal.
🧚🏻Sagittarius suns: for some reason.... the ones i have met and been around (ones who all identify as women) present themselves as extremely proper and pious in social settings. they love to be seen as the most put together one - especially in work-place. quiet in work environment ... but will talk your ear to death if you're sitting next to them at a dinner party
🧚🏻*trigger warning for SA* 🧚🏻scorpio placements. particularly sun,moon and mars. experience deep sexual trauma. over and over and over again in their life. started at an early age. continues to be taken advantage of throughout their lives. easy for them to associate self-worth with being sexually desired in a negative way. doesn't trust a person if they seem innocent at first, it always turns into some form of a violation.
🧚🏻gemini placements: listen to more lofi style music or instrumental. music without lyrics.
🧚🏻gemini moons: i know i've said this before in a post, and its a common understanding with gemini placements, but they genuinely are extremely talented with foreign languages. learn them quickly. hear them spoken for a while and can pick it up naturally.
🧚🏻moon opposite saturn: i'm so sorry. i know how hard it is. the depression, the anxiety, the constant self-doubt. you are truly your own worst enemy. i'm sending every person with this placement all my love.
🧚🏻libra sun & moon: have i ever truly had a deep convo with these placements? no. do i still love their company? yes. but it tends to feel surface level with them. they are not talented in expressing their thoughts in a spoken or written way without it sounding....childish. maybe its just me .... either way they would still be the first person I invite to my party. they make me laugh. maybe it's their childish naive view of the world i love. maybe I wish i could see it that way.
#taurus#aquarius#aries#astro notes#astro observations#astro community#astrology#gemini#venus#sun signs#cancer#leo#virgo#libra#Scorpio#Sagittarius#capricorn#Pisces#moon signs#random zodiac observations#zodiac
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"Mistranslations" that are not mistranslations
Now with an additional part 2.
NISA has made plenty of mistakes while translating the Danganronpa series (and I've complained about them before), and so they have a reputation of being untrustworthy. But because of this reputation, I feel like fans are too quick to trust whatever anyone that isn't NISA states as absolute fact. So, I want to examine some instances of fan translators claiming NISA has mistranslated something, when, no, actually, they didn't.
Kokichi's last words
人にやらされるゲームなんて…楽しい訳あるかよ… A game you're forced to play... how could that be fun...
This is probably the most widespread myth in terms of "mistranslations that aren't", with the original post that makes this claim having over 2k notes: that Kokichi in the original Japanese actually says, "How could a game where you're forced to kill people be fun...?" Unfortunately, it's just not true. Fortunately for me, there's a reddit post here that breaks the line down in detail, so I don't have to do any work.
Anyway, I really wanted to make this post because of this thread, which makes several false claims.
Kokichi says he's afraid of friends in general
オレは、そういう『仲間』が他人よりも怖いけどねー。I'm more afraid of those kinds of [friends] than strangers.
So... souiu, meaning that type of/that kind of is right there, directly before nakama (which can mean friend, especially if it's in a shounen anime, but can also just mean companion/member of a group). I don't understand how you can miss this. Not only is it right there, this claim on its face doesn't make sense. Why, in this context, would Kokichi suddenly blurt out that he's afraid of having friends? It has nothing to do with the conversation they're having.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial
王馬くん、もういいだろ ? Ouma-kun, isn't this enough? その話を聞かせてくれよ。Tell us about that.
Okay, you've probably heard the phrase mou ii a lot if you watch anime, and it's almost always accompanied by a frustrated huff. Because it is, in fact, something you say when impatient, fed up, what have you. It literally means "good already", carrying pretty much the identical meaning of the English phrase, "that's enough" or "I've had enough". Shuichi does not say it's okay as in it's daijoubu, which is the word you use when trying to comfort someone. He is very much frustrated here and telling Kokichi to fess up.
Citation needed
I couldn't find a line like this in Kokichi's FTEs, but maaaaaaaybe I missed it? Shuichi's narration comments quite a few times on Kokichi acting childishly throughout the game, but I couldn't find anything like this in specific.
EDIT: Correction, I did find it, and it's covered in part two. Suffice to say, the OP got this line completely wrong.
That Kaito thing
Yeah this is patently false. It's also already been touched on in this thread with comments backing it up, so there’s another thing I don't have to get into. I'll put the text here though.
オレはテメーみて一に胸クソ悪い真似までして、If I have to mimic your sickening behavior, 生き残りて一とは思わねーんだよ。I don't think I want to survive.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial part deaux
I've seen varying claims on how these lines were translated, from them being slightly tweaked, to the claim they were completely butchered to make Saihara too aggressive. I'm just going to leave it here and let you come to your own conclusions.
ダサいのはキミの方だよ…王馬くん。The lame one is you... Ouma-kun.
百田くんの周りにはいつも人が集まってくる… Momota-kun always has people around him... でも、キミの周りには誰もいないじゃないか。But, there's no one around you.
キミは…その程度のヤツって事だよ。That's... what kind of person you are.
This is snappy in its own way, though, if you consider that 程度 is closer to meaning grade/level/degree rather than simply "type of". "That's the level of person you are," basically.
And if you doubt me on any of this, I encourage you to do your own research, get second opinions if you can. I know not everyone knows Japanese, in which case you can't really help but rely on someone else and hope their translation is accurate. That said, at the bare minimum, I think people should provide screenshots and the original Japanese text if they're going to claim something is a mistranslation. Like, I don't think you should be able to say "actually in Japanese Kokichi says he volunteers at animal shelters in his free time but NISA cut it!" and have half the fandom believe you with no proof.
#new danganronpa killing harmony#danganronpa v3#new danganronpa v3#ndrv3#danganronpa#kokichi ouma#ouma kokichi#shuichi saihara#saihara shuichi#kaito momota#momota kaito#meta#doretalks#translation bs#i take it back#about 90% of that thread is inaccurate
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This is a tangent, I'm here to entertain with needless rambling
The deep rooted hatred for taco I see in the II community genuinely concerns me. Especially since those people tend to be Mephone "apologists"(For lack of a better word, I love Mephone don't get me wrong) despite how taco is the "active" side of the coin to his "passive". The connections between them are there trust me Im connecting the dots. Ive connected them.
I understand that she's done bad things, but blaming her for her shortcomings when she doesn't and never had the same support group to change as Mephone did makes me a little ehh.. Getting upset because Microphone showed her support in the new episodes simply because you don't like the ship(I understand why people wouldnt but thats not an excuse to deny her anything), and because Taco doesn't know how to change yet and you refuse to see her as anything redeemable. I'm not big on shipping, thats not the point of this tangent, but Taco finally having someone to support her and help her change is a GOOD thing. Microphone was being the bigger person there, she was being mature and thoughtful because Taco clearly needs the help. The fact that people continue to deny Taco any kind of growth even if she goes about it in the wrong way makes me deeply uncomfortable. Because the moment any character does anything bad that isn't HER they don't say anything about it. She was shunned by her peers because she was playing the game and continued to 'play the game' so to speak.
Theres a deep rooted hint of misogyny in the way they treat her, but I wont yap about that you dont need to read allat.
I understand people have reasons for not liking characters! That's ok. But I've seen them actively go out of their way to harass people that DO like Taco and actively criticize enjoying her character.
They tend to take it as defending her actions. Which is not what's happening. I don't think oscommunity could handle vriska is all I'm saying.
Feel free to not answer this I just need whatever little imp is telling me to scream about it to get out. go draw a taco dis is driving me crazy
Thank you for dumping this in my inbox bigbarf200, I feel like a wise confidant.
okay so I don't interact/observe with the wider ii community (Mainly cuz i like playing with my touys without being bothered) So this information is so Interesting to me!!!
As you mentioned, the hate might stem from misogyny (and by the way, I’d love to read your essay—talk all you want, my friend!). This is a societal issue that affects every part of life.
That said, I also think some people might dislike her simply because she’s a hustler and stubborn. When she has a goal, she’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it, even if it means crossing into morally gray areas.
holding Mepad hostage > hijacking the show
lying and deceiving objects with good intentions > winning s1
seriously hurting Fan > winning Mic immunity
as you said in the greater scheme of things, she's genuinely done horrible things. But if you just accept that at face value you are missing out on such an amazing character. You have to consider her perspective and the circumstances of her birth (especially in a story like ii!!) to fully understand and come to an option on her. But I digress this is baby level analysis so ill move on.
people who think Mic being friendly towards Taco post e14 is out of character are misunderstanding Microphone as both a character and thematic device I think
that's literally the only rational reason I could think of as to why people would be mad about taco and mic being on good terms???
so yeah, these haters just sound like crazy irrational people who have a lot of pent-up emotions. crazy
anyways ty!!! I feel like I didn't have alot to add since, as stated, these people are just incredibly irrational. but its nice getting an earful of whagh the fuck the community is like. here are soem taco drawings for the occasion
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